So - this is my 2nd animal costume. More like, animal hat. I thought of this yesterday because I'm starting to feel really consumed by the a&f culture. optimistic! aspirational! sexy! effortless cool! independent! and so it goes. haha. (so i guess this can be kind of a a&f-ified self portrait. (cos - no way am I that cute/skinny/sexy/independent/aspirat--ugh.)
Also - I've always liked the idea of having fashion models with gigantic animal heads. I had an awesome vision of the models outside the a&f flagship in nyc wearing huge moose masks. how cool would that be ? hollister could have seagull masks that are just giant birds. kekeke.
Off to the gym... to attain that effortlessly cool look (which takes a lot of effort, i imagine.)
HAWT. That is super sweet- I like moose. Meese? moose. I also like animal hats.
one thing though... she was supposed to be a dude! That's okay though- cute chicks are good too.
ho shit.
i forgot. i guess i'll do boy next ^^
Hmmm- I have to go back home this weekend also so.... I know I said I'd post mine today but next week?
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